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Community Organizing

From strategy to content creation, from social media to neighborhood events, I meet people where they are to engage my community. I work to inspire people to take action for positive change, whether through vital policy improvements, better business practices, or personal political activation. 

Marketing & BRANDING

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Workplace Strategy Infographic

An infographic I proposed, researched, and wrote, and for which I oversaw both design and advertising. The piece has to date driven a 26% lead conversion rate and has brought in both contacts and customers via email marketing, direct traffic, and social. 


"Indigenous Rights: The Hidden Costs of Arctic Development"
in Harvard International Review, 2015

This article has been cited as required reading in course syllabi at universities ranging from Australia to Alaska


Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew

"Singapore, a tiny country nestled between Malaysia and Indonesia, is not often considered a hotbed of Cold War tensions. Rather, it is frequently touted by Western observers as a regional exception, a highly modern society that developed stunningly rapidly in the last six decades despite the turbulence surrounding it – “a paradise designed by McKinsey,” writes one journalist."

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